Tots tenim èpoques on estem més... sensibles, per dir-ho d'alguna forma... què coi! Excitats, sí, punt. Tot dit... aquesta és últimament l'estat més comú en mi i pensant pensant... ací hi ha una cançó que ho il·lustra.
Amb les hormones massa esvalotades... deixa't anar.
PD: atents al video, sobretot al minut i vint segons, el canviàs és total ;)
Macy gray - sexual revolution
everybody shake it
time to be free amongst yourselves
your mama told you to be discreet
and keep your freak to yourself
but your mama lied to you all this time
she knows as well as you and I
you've got to express what is taboo in you
and share your freak with the rest of us
cause it's a beautiful thang
this is my sexual revolution
everybody shake it
time to be free amongst yourselves
your mama told you to be discreet
and keep your freak to yourself
but your mama lied to you all this time
she knows as well as you and I
you've got to express what is taboo in you
and share your freak with the rest of us
cause it's a beautiful thang
this is my sexual revolution
everybody break it
every rule every constriction
my papa told me to be home by now
but my party has just begun
maybe he'll understand
that I got to be
to be the freak that god made me
so many thangz I want to try
got to do them before I die
this is my sexual revolution
I'm so funkin' beautiful
especially when I take my clothes off
I'm so funkin' beautiful
especially when I take my clothes off
sexual revolution
got to do them before I die
got to do them before I die
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La primavera...
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